Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The End...?

November 30
I am extremely proud of myself for making it all the way through November. Even though I wasn't able to actually post every single day (some I forgot to get on my blog, others I just ran out of time) I did actually think almost each day of something to post. I'm proud of myself because in the six years I've done this, I'm almost sure this is the first year I've made it all the way to the end. Partially because I get so swamped in school, work, life, etc that I just brush it aside. I started this blog as I was getting ready to graduate and move back home. Mainly so I could hopefully have happy things to think about as I moved to an area I really didn't (and still don't, at times) want to live in. I started it with two posts: one, about happiness in it's many forms (and the inspiration/by the inspirer for many things in my life), and the second with the guidelines. Nearly six months later and I hadn't posted a damn thing. It's not like I forgot about it, the bookmark is on my toolbar that I see every time I open an Internet window. But for all that I try to be happy and peppy, it's different when you have to sit down and think of specific things to be thankful for--especially during the transition of moving and adjusting. It's not that they don't exist, but it becomes one more thing I felt like I had to do. And so life, school, work, etc became more important than reminding myself of things to be thankful in my life.

So today, this last day in November, I am thankful that I'm finally adjusting, growing up, and able to complete my very first November Diane Challenge.


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