Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Funk--and the after effects of it

So, last Thursday I hit a pretty deep funk. And because of it, I consciously choose to ignore my Diane Challenge. Something about being so pissed at the world made me not really want to think of things to be thankful for (or able to think of many things). But now that the fog has lifted, and I'm able to think clearer, I'll begin my list. Not with the writing flair I crave and wish I still possessed, but with the short "I've got homework and life to attend to" writing I've been using all month...

Thursday, November 18
I am thankful for my special friends. By special I mean those that have touched my life so deeply and mean so much to me, that no matter how long it's been since I've talked to them, it's like no time has passed. The friends that I'm comfortable knowing they care about me and know I care about them, but aren't the kind I must talk to every day (or even week) in order to feel that way. I hit my funk early Thursday morning, and (not even kidding) the guys who got me through were friends I hadn't seen anywhere from a month to two years ago. One of which, I only hear from (and vice versa) when something triggers our memory of each other and sends a text. It's these friends that are always there for me that I know I truly cannot live without. And it's these same friends that I know I will never have to worry about "dropping" me as a friend. That gift and knowledge, makes me incredibly thankful for my special friends.

Friday, November 19
Friday is the best day obviously to be thankful for Harry Potter! While I am sad it wasn't a midnight premiere, I can't help but think back to the fun times (and people) I was able to enjoy the premiers with. It's sad to think the series is almost over, but I do enjoy being able to get so wrapped up in a movie, and to enjoy it with good friends.

Saturday, November 20
In response to a dear SOAR friends' post, I'll be thankful for a negative. Although not totally. My funk was in relation to a traumatic memory that surfaced Thursday. And while I'm still pissed as hell, and hurt even worse, I know that one day I will be thankful for the place that memory has put me. Right now, even now that I'm mostly out of the funk, I still don't really see the silver lining, but I know that some day I will. And when that day comes, I'll be truly grateful. So for now, I'm thankful that I can see a future--even with the shit.

Sunday, November 21
My Wii Fit (although I'm not on it as much as I should be) is a great de-stressor and relaxer in my life. And I'm sad to admit it, but today I am tremendously thankful for it. It gives me the little bit of exercise I know I need in my life (although I could stand to use more) and gives me the chance of a routine that I know will benefit me in the long run. Now, if I only had the motivation to use it everyday...

I worry that as the month goes on, the things I become thankful for are very trivial, little things. But then I realize that's more the point of this--to appreciate the little things in life. continue...

Monday, November 22
I am thankful that I am able to brighten (or at least feel as if I brightened) someone's day from three hours away. I know she had a rough week last week, so I spared the few dollars and sent a sister flowers--I can only imagine her surprise and how beautiful they were, but I know the money was well worth it. It's the little things in life I love, and the biggest is to make someone else smile (or cry from joy)!

Tuesday, November 23
I don't know if I've mentioned it before but today I am definitely thankful for Sanocki and Arris' pizza. Two of my favorite things about living in Mid-Mo, and honestly two of the things that keep me sane in a world of insanity up here! :) I love being able to get together with her and gossip, catch up, bitch about our lives, and just be reminded as to how great of a friend I have. I honestly look forward to our dinner/lunch dates, and will be greatly saddened when she loses most of her social life to Law School... :(

Wednesday, November 24
I am thankful for Andrew's Jeff City apartment today. Just when I feel as if my parents are going to make me scream, I am able to escape and pretend I have my own place. It's not my ideal apartment, but it does occasionally feel like home. And today, with the holidays quickly approaching, it feels even nicer to be here.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you Katie Anderson. Thank you for introducing me to the Diane Challenge, and I love reading your posts. I know sometimes it gets hard to think of things to be thankful for, especially when negative things can cloud your vision, but I am thankful you're here!! :)

    Love in IIKE
