Thursday, November 11, 2010

Double Whammy

November 11

It's hard not to be thankful for two specific things today, just because of the date. As much as I love my freedom and am so thankful for our military personnel, I also can't pass up the opportunity to specifically thank four fabulous women who gave me the chance to be a part of something great...

So, today I am thankful for all of those men and women who gave their life so that I could have the freedoms I have today. Yes, I hate American politics, but the pure fact that I have not only the freedom to hate it, but the freedom to go out and vote as I wish--not to mention the ability to openly disagree with the government and not fear for my life--is a freedom I can't imagine living without. I am thankful for those who are still serving now, in an effort to promote freedom and peace around the world, and those who are just getting ready to enlist and give their time and livelihood so that my children can be free. There's truly no way to adequately thank them, except by living our lives to the fullest so that the sacrifice was not wasted...

136 years ago today, four women got together to form a support group for women pushing boundaries and being independent. In a world where (and yes, I'm stealing this from you Emily) higher education amounted to a degree that put you right back as a homemaker, I am thankful for the four women who sought to expand a women's role in society. I don't think that, when it was founded, Helen, Addie, Francis and Mary imagined it would evolve into the sisterhood it has become. I am blessed that I was chosen to be apart of this sisterhood--to all the Gamma Phi Beta's before me, and those that will live on long after I do, here's to a great Founders Day!

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