Friday, November 12, 2010

Queen of Pope-topia

November 13

Today was a little knock of a day. I was subbing (as is becoming more usual, finally) and saw one of my favorite High School teachers. She was absolutely wonderful while I was in high school, and since I've been back, she always cracks jokes and is happy-go-lucky. She's honestly one of my favorites to see when I'm at the high school. She was talking to my gatekeeper today (with all the love and respect with that title!) and mentioned going home. I naturally assumed she was just not feeling well, but when I asked her about it I found out she was just diagnosed with cancer. I didn't even know what to say to it, and am still left speechless. I understand that cancer doesn't chose it's victims, and no one deserves to get it, but still. This was one of the best teachers I had in high school, and who taught me so much-both about Math and life.

It's not really something to be thankful for, but the news and realization make me thankful that the number of people in my life that have been diagnosed with cancer is on a low end, and that those who have, have done well to fight like hell. They haven't all made it through, but they've all fought and had an inspiring life. I'm thankful for those around me that touch my life each day and that I have these days to tell them how much they mean to me. And to the Queen of Popetopia, kick that cancer's ass right out the door...

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