Monday, November 29, 2010

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes...

November 29
Today (and it actually is today!) I am more than words thankful for my health. In doing a mini-research paper (with the prompt of being the parent of a child with disabilities) and going to my dentist appointment (no cavities!) I am more than usual aware of my good health. I'm sure in the future it will detoriate some, and I'm not perfect now, but I have good health. I don't have to go to a doctor or hospital every month, and I'm alive and well. I'm also thankful that I am able to have such great health insurance. There's the possibility that it will change in the next few years (once I really hit old balls status and get kicked off my parents), but for now, I've got great coverage. And that's not something everyone can say...and for that, I'm grateful!

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