Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Joys of the beginning of December!

So, this month has been interesting so far--and it's only 8 days old! Tomorrow, is the big 2-4 for me, and I was blessed to have spent last weekend with some of my favorites in Springfield (including homemade red velvet cake from Andrew's mom!). We made the trek down to Branson to see the Christmas lights in SDC for my first time, and enjoyed a good dinner at the restaurant and ran into two of my FAVORITE BOYS EVER! :) Truly THE MOST polite young boys I've ever met, the girls used to tease me that I was a cradle robber for being in love with them (but they're so cute and polite, I couldn't help it). It's always nice to walk into someplace and see peoples faces light up when they realize you're there.

I wrapped up the weekend with some of my favorites, working towards a great next year and making me love what I do even more. Yes, Sunday was a long day, but I was so proud of my girls, and I know they are preparing to be able to handle whatever is thrown at them in January.

However, with the blessed and great weekend I had, something had to go wrong on Monday. And it did. Above and beyond what anyone would expect.

Because of that, my thing I am thankful for is that I have a great family and a warm home to come to. I'm so happy and grateful that my parents and my boyfriend get along so great, and that he was not only welcomed into our home with open arms, but it was just expected that this would be where he would move to. I'm thankful Andrew (and vicariously, his parents) is wise enough to have renters insurance, and that his coverage is so great that the past few days has not been a hassle (other than the minimal amount required). You always hear about the people who lose their house to fire/flood, but you never think it would be you (or someone close to you). But after the past few days, I truly am thankful for what I have and for the attitude and disposition of my boyfriend. It's only things lost, and they can be replaced, and with that being his attitude, it's a lot easier to believe it...

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