Saturday, November 27, 2010

Uno, Dos, Tres...

November 25
Since today is Thanksgiving and all, I'll be thankful for my family. Even though they drive me up the freakin' wall most of the time (and ESPECIALLY around the holidays), I am still very thankful that they're here. That I'm surrounded by people who love me, and who will always support me. I know I'm a lucky girl, and for that I'm grateful.

November 26
CHRISTMAS DECORATING! :) It's easily one of my favorite times of the year. Not necessarily Christmas and opening gifts (although, I do love that too), but decorating for Christmas (and shopping for decorations) is one of my favorite things! This year, Andrew grabbed the extra tree from his parents place early this year, so it has been sitting in the apartment waiting for me. I'm proud to say that I waited until the day after Thanksgiving to put it and the stockings up. This year, my new ornaments went up (blue and silver), so that the tree wouldn't be full of just obviously my ornaments, and Andrew added new LED lights (so high tech!). It's just so beautiful! :) --see facebook for the photo--

November 27
This one may be too much information and/or a little gross to some, but I ran out of razors and since I'm basically unemployed, I've been too cheap to go buy new ones. BUT this morning in my shower I had finally given in and bought some (well, before my morning shower, not while I was IN the shower), and so today, I'm thankful for the ability to have money to buy razors so I can shave my legs. You know that silky soft feeling of having shaved after it's been waaaay too long? That's the great feeling I've had on my legs all day today. It's wonderful! :)

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