Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The End...?

November 30
I am extremely proud of myself for making it all the way through November. Even though I wasn't able to actually post every single day (some I forgot to get on my blog, others I just ran out of time) I did actually think almost each day of something to post. I'm proud of myself because in the six years I've done this, I'm almost sure this is the first year I've made it all the way to the end. Partially because I get so swamped in school, work, life, etc that I just brush it aside. I started this blog as I was getting ready to graduate and move back home. Mainly so I could hopefully have happy things to think about as I moved to an area I really didn't (and still don't, at times) want to live in. I started it with two posts: one, about happiness in it's many forms (and the inspiration/by the inspirer for many things in my life), and the second with the guidelines. Nearly six months later and I hadn't posted a damn thing. It's not like I forgot about it, the bookmark is on my toolbar that I see every time I open an Internet window. But for all that I try to be happy and peppy, it's different when you have to sit down and think of specific things to be thankful for--especially during the transition of moving and adjusting. It's not that they don't exist, but it becomes one more thing I felt like I had to do. And so life, school, work, etc became more important than reminding myself of things to be thankful in my life.

So today, this last day in November, I am thankful that I'm finally adjusting, growing up, and able to complete my very first November Diane Challenge.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes...

November 29
Today (and it actually is today!) I am more than words thankful for my health. In doing a mini-research paper (with the prompt of being the parent of a child with disabilities) and going to my dentist appointment (no cavities!) I am more than usual aware of my good health. I'm sure in the future it will detoriate some, and I'm not perfect now, but I have good health. I don't have to go to a doctor or hospital every month, and I'm alive and well. I'm also thankful that I am able to have such great health insurance. There's the possibility that it will change in the next few years (once I really hit old balls status and get kicked off my parents), but for now, I've got great coverage. And that's not something everyone can say...and for that, I'm grateful!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Sound of Silence

November 28
Today I am so thankful for the quietness of a library (although I didn't visit one today) and the quiet of an apartment. My house has a resident neighborhood drummer. And boy, is he a consistent practicer! And because of that, I'm thankful for when it's quiet... :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Uno, Dos, Tres...

November 25
Since today is Thanksgiving and all, I'll be thankful for my family. Even though they drive me up the freakin' wall most of the time (and ESPECIALLY around the holidays), I am still very thankful that they're here. That I'm surrounded by people who love me, and who will always support me. I know I'm a lucky girl, and for that I'm grateful.

November 26
CHRISTMAS DECORATING! :) It's easily one of my favorite times of the year. Not necessarily Christmas and opening gifts (although, I do love that too), but decorating for Christmas (and shopping for decorations) is one of my favorite things! This year, Andrew grabbed the extra tree from his parents place early this year, so it has been sitting in the apartment waiting for me. I'm proud to say that I waited until the day after Thanksgiving to put it and the stockings up. This year, my new ornaments went up (blue and silver), so that the tree wouldn't be full of just obviously my ornaments, and Andrew added new LED lights (so high tech!). It's just so beautiful! :) --see facebook for the photo--

November 27
This one may be too much information and/or a little gross to some, but I ran out of razors and since I'm basically unemployed, I've been too cheap to go buy new ones. BUT this morning in my shower I had finally given in and bought some (well, before my morning shower, not while I was IN the shower), and so today, I'm thankful for the ability to have money to buy razors so I can shave my legs. You know that silky soft feeling of having shaved after it's been waaaay too long? That's the great feeling I've had on my legs all day today. It's wonderful! :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Funk--and the after effects of it

So, last Thursday I hit a pretty deep funk. And because of it, I consciously choose to ignore my Diane Challenge. Something about being so pissed at the world made me not really want to think of things to be thankful for (or able to think of many things). But now that the fog has lifted, and I'm able to think clearer, I'll begin my list. Not with the writing flair I crave and wish I still possessed, but with the short "I've got homework and life to attend to" writing I've been using all month...

Thursday, November 18
I am thankful for my special friends. By special I mean those that have touched my life so deeply and mean so much to me, that no matter how long it's been since I've talked to them, it's like no time has passed. The friends that I'm comfortable knowing they care about me and know I care about them, but aren't the kind I must talk to every day (or even week) in order to feel that way. I hit my funk early Thursday morning, and (not even kidding) the guys who got me through were friends I hadn't seen anywhere from a month to two years ago. One of which, I only hear from (and vice versa) when something triggers our memory of each other and sends a text. It's these friends that are always there for me that I know I truly cannot live without. And it's these same friends that I know I will never have to worry about "dropping" me as a friend. That gift and knowledge, makes me incredibly thankful for my special friends.

Friday, November 19
Friday is the best day obviously to be thankful for Harry Potter! While I am sad it wasn't a midnight premiere, I can't help but think back to the fun times (and people) I was able to enjoy the premiers with. It's sad to think the series is almost over, but I do enjoy being able to get so wrapped up in a movie, and to enjoy it with good friends.

Saturday, November 20
In response to a dear SOAR friends' post, I'll be thankful for a negative. Although not totally. My funk was in relation to a traumatic memory that surfaced Thursday. And while I'm still pissed as hell, and hurt even worse, I know that one day I will be thankful for the place that memory has put me. Right now, even now that I'm mostly out of the funk, I still don't really see the silver lining, but I know that some day I will. And when that day comes, I'll be truly grateful. So for now, I'm thankful that I can see a future--even with the shit.

Sunday, November 21
My Wii Fit (although I'm not on it as much as I should be) is a great de-stressor and relaxer in my life. And I'm sad to admit it, but today I am tremendously thankful for it. It gives me the little bit of exercise I know I need in my life (although I could stand to use more) and gives me the chance of a routine that I know will benefit me in the long run. Now, if I only had the motivation to use it everyday...

I worry that as the month goes on, the things I become thankful for are very trivial, little things. But then I realize that's more the point of this--to appreciate the little things in life. SO...to continue...

Monday, November 22
I am thankful that I am able to brighten (or at least feel as if I brightened) someone's day from three hours away. I know she had a rough week last week, so I spared the few dollars and sent a sister flowers--I can only imagine her surprise and how beautiful they were, but I know the money was well worth it. It's the little things in life I love, and the biggest is to make someone else smile (or cry from joy)!

Tuesday, November 23
I don't know if I've mentioned it before but today I am definitely thankful for Sanocki and Arris' pizza. Two of my favorite things about living in Mid-Mo, and honestly two of the things that keep me sane in a world of insanity up here! :) I love being able to get together with her and gossip, catch up, bitch about our lives, and just be reminded as to how great of a friend I have. I honestly look forward to our dinner/lunch dates, and will be greatly saddened when she loses most of her social life to Law School... :(

Wednesday, November 24
I am thankful for Andrew's Jeff City apartment today. Just when I feel as if my parents are going to make me scream, I am able to escape and pretend I have my own place. It's not my ideal apartment, but it does occasionally feel like home. And today, with the holidays quickly approaching, it feels even nicer to be here.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Music, Sweet Music

November 17

Today is a bit of a cop-out, because I'm not only writing it a day late and pre-dating it (I've done that a lot) but simply writing it shortly because I'm tired. I'm thankful for the musical influences in my life--specifically the kids I've helped teach.

Maybe I'll expand on that more later...but for now, The End. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

FHS Staff

November 16

As I was saying bye to the vice-principals' secretary the vp came storming into her office. Usually at this point in our conversation, I try to shrink to the background and play invisible. It's not that I'm not supposed to be there or I'm in trouble, I just like to not distract people from work when I shouldn't be. But with Tracey, it's just so hard not to! :) Everyday, I stick my head in the office to say hello and wish her a good day, and some days I just get sucked in by her personality and have to have a full out conversation. Today, however, I was on my way out, well before school was over, and we weren't even discussing anything remotely close to work. Mr. H barges in, stands extremely still, and just looks back and forth between us. I can never tell if he's kidding or serious, so when he starts to speak, I just listen, not sure who he's talking to.
All kidding aside, he was seriously (or humorously) thanking me for all the work I do when I'm there. And let's be honest, all I do is lunch duty most of the time. But I felt very appreciative that he not only recognized that I'm willing to do something that most aren't, but thanked me in front of people. Add that to the pure friendly feeling I get everytime I step foot into their office, and it just makes a happy feeling. :) So today, I am thankful for the staff that makes me enjoy my part-time/temporary job that much more.

Monday, November 15, 2010

One of the Three R's

November 15

Today I am thankful for the ability to read--and well. I subbed today for one of the reading intensive teachers at the elementary school. As I tried to help each of these struggling kids read better, I became more and more thankful that I never had that problem as a kid. I grew up loving to read, and did it with ease!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lazy Sundays

November 14
I woke up ridiculously early this morning, and then proceeded to do nothing until about noon-thirty. It was great. :) Today I am thankful for the lazy days I get to spend with my boyfriend and family, just relaxing, watching TV and sitting down to a good family dinner. I used to think my best friend in high school was silly to want to always and forever have a family meal once a week with her family. Now that I have the chance, I can see what she saw in the idea...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baking Cookies with Myself...

November 13

Today I am thankful for my family, especially my moms. Although living with the parents is a little annoying at times, I am truly grateful they are such great parents who, even after almost 24 years, still enjoy taking care of me. Today I spent nearly 8 hours with my mom and some of her coworkers, just baking and assembling cookie jars. While I am now exhausted, I know that I made her day, by just spending "quality" time with her--and it was actually fun too! I am grateful that she is always there for me, whenever I need her, and she is a truly self-sacrificing mom...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Queen of Pope-topia

November 13

Today was a little knock of a day. I was subbing (as is becoming more usual, finally) and saw one of my favorite High School teachers. She was absolutely wonderful while I was in high school, and since I've been back, she always cracks jokes and is happy-go-lucky. She's honestly one of my favorites to see when I'm at the high school. She was talking to my gatekeeper today (with all the love and respect with that title!) and mentioned going home. I naturally assumed she was just not feeling well, but when I asked her about it I found out she was just diagnosed with cancer. I didn't even know what to say to it, and am still left speechless. I understand that cancer doesn't chose it's victims, and no one deserves to get it, but still. This was one of the best teachers I had in high school, and who taught me so much-both about Math and life.

It's not really something to be thankful for, but the news and realization make me thankful that the number of people in my life that have been diagnosed with cancer is on a low end, and that those who have, have done well to fight like hell. They haven't all made it through, but they've all fought and had an inspiring life. I'm thankful for those around me that touch my life each day and that I have these days to tell them how much they mean to me. And to the Queen of Popetopia, kick that cancer's ass right out the door...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Double Whammy

November 11

It's hard not to be thankful for two specific things today, just because of the date. As much as I love my freedom and am so thankful for our military personnel, I also can't pass up the opportunity to specifically thank four fabulous women who gave me the chance to be a part of something great...

So, today I am thankful for all of those men and women who gave their life so that I could have the freedoms I have today. Yes, I hate American politics, but the pure fact that I have not only the freedom to hate it, but the freedom to go out and vote as I wish--not to mention the ability to openly disagree with the government and not fear for my life--is a freedom I can't imagine living without. I am thankful for those who are still serving now, in an effort to promote freedom and peace around the world, and those who are just getting ready to enlist and give their time and livelihood so that my children can be free. There's truly no way to adequately thank them, except by living our lives to the fullest so that the sacrifice was not wasted...

136 years ago today, four women got together to form a support group for women pushing boundaries and being independent. In a world where (and yes, I'm stealing this from you Emily) higher education amounted to a degree that put you right back as a homemaker, I am thankful for the four women who sought to expand a women's role in society. I don't think that, when it was founded, Helen, Addie, Francis and Mary imagined it would evolve into the sisterhood it has become. I am blessed that I was chosen to be apart of this sisterhood--to all the Gamma Phi Beta's before me, and those that will live on long after I do, here's to a great Founders Day!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10

November 10

It's a little early in the day to do todays, but I can already tell that today is going to be a 'thankful for my parent's day'. I left last Thursday to stay with Andrew before going to Springfield, and then have since stayed with Andrew since he's leaving today, and yet, I walk into my house this morning and they were both up and happy to see me. I know they're my parents and they're supposed to be like that, but (and I say this with all my love) they haven't always been the greatest. Yes, they've always supported my decisions, and made me make my own and gave me my own life, but sometimes as a kid you just want someone to take care of you. While my parents never neglected me, I often felt as if I was on my own. Now, it's a trait of mine I cherish, but growing up I hated it. I'm starting to see that it was good for me, and that they do indeed love me very much, but it's just in a different way than I always wanted...

I don't tend to get too sentimental about my parents and all the gushy stuff, and this post is very much the same. BUT, to express how much they love me and I love them, when I went to get my morning coffee I noticed my dad had bought my favorite, just for me, when he was at the store this weekend. If that isn't love... :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9

November 9

Today I am thankful for music. I spent the school day today subbing for my HS Band director (i.e., also my current boss). Granted, today was an easy day (Advanced Musical Class and 7th graders who still love music) but it was so much fun. I felt so useful and needed, and it always helps for the kids to tell you that you were a good sub and they enjoyed class. Not only today, in a semi-teaching aspect, but I enjoy the time I get to spend with my high school drummers--both in Fulton and Ozark. Not to mention that had I not had music in my life, I never would have joined SAI. Even though it fell apart, and I had to walk away from Theta Rho, it gave me some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for, in addition to a pretty wonderful little in a different sorority. Part of me thought that the musical part of me would be over after the end of my sophomore year, but thankfully, it kept popping up until it's so ingrained in me that I would feel empty without teaching. So today, I am thankful it's in my life, and hope it never leaves...

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8

November 8
Today I am thankful I'm doing the Diane Challenge. Because, let me be honest, today wasn't the greatest day. Not that anything horrible happened, but in addition to having to tear myself away from Springfield (which was hard enough as it was) and running late, Einstein Bros didn't have the coffee I had been looking forward to (since I planned my trip). I then went to Starbucks where they didn't make my drink correctly (so the first half tasted horrible, and the second half tasted sugary horrible). I then was so tired that I missed my Lebanon exit (all three of them) and had to go the back back way, which put me in the direct path of a train crossing. Then, as I was getting closer to home (but running even more late by this point), I got a phone call to substitute for the band director (i.e., a piece of cake subbing), that I had to turn down because I was too far behind schedule to make it there by when they needed me.
Of course when I finally made it to JC to see my baybay, I was in a grumpy mood. And let's just add that being grumpy around your boyfriend you haven't seen in three days (a lifetime to us now) isn't the greatest...

BUT, with all of that shiv to deal with, I had to look for something good, because I refuse to not do the Diane Challenge. And just by looking at my day in a positive light, I am able to say that I am thankful for coffee, salmon (bagel and lox, YUM!), my car, my sisters, having a job, my boyfriend, and all in all, my life. And to sum all of that up, I am thankful for Diane and her challenge to her friends, and their challenge to me.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7

November 7

Today, I am thankful for my Springfield family. While it includes Akert and my sisters, it also includes K&M and Andrew's family. Friday I was able to go out to dinner with KM, and today I spent a nice chunk of my afternoon watching the Chiefs and just catching up with Andrew's family--sans Andrew. It's nice to be able to spend time where I like to be, and have family there to spend the time with!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6

November 6

Today, as would seem obvious, I'm thankful for my sisters. I, if for no other reason than my experience as a Gamma Phi Beta, truly have come to believe that when one door shuts another door opens. While I enjoyed my collegiate beginning as a SAI, it honestly began to be a place where I wasn't happy. I realize now, it's because the group wasn't on the track it should have been, and I was only happy because the girls I came to know and hang out with were on the right track. When they all graduate and leave, however, it's not near as happy of a place.
Fall of 2008 was also the fall after Australia (or also the Australia Fall as it should really be known), and with a determination to get out of my comfort zone and find myself, I went to the Gamma Phi Beta information night. Even from afar, I connected with Taylor, and after watching the movie, I knew Gamma Phi Beta was my home. The week was full of stress and fun, as I watched new girls and friends go through the same process as I did. I will never forget the pure excitement as I opened my bid card and the looks on Lexi and Allie's faces as they gave me a hug and welcomed me to the sisterhood.
It was a long, and enjoyable, year and half. I became good friends with many of my sisters, and have even been in one wedding in the short time. While I was in Springfield, I never thought it would change. Not knowing where you're headed after college, gives you the ability to pretend it's never going to change. Being transplanted has it's ups and downs, and in my case it's nice to be able to come back and visit and pretend like nothing's changed. This weekend has been filled with GPhi Pancakes, a ritual reminder of what I am a part of, a winery and food with some of my favorites, and a soccer game with the girls. And that was just Friday/Saturday! It's sad that my visit will be coming to a close tomorrow, but I am so thankful that my sisters are there for me and welcomed me back with open arms.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5

November 5

Today, I am thankful for my Akert. It's so nice to be able to sit down and spend time with her, and it was like I'd never moved. Sure, it's a little harder and suck-ier to try to schedule things because I'm only in town for a few days, but it's still very relaxing to be able to sit for two hours and just be myself.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4

November 4

Today I am thankful for my therapist. It's already making me a much better and stronger person. I know I could get by without it, but when I can see how far I've come in some areas, and see how much further I can go, it's great. I honestly think the world could be a better place if more people went and talked to someone trained, but then again, I am a psychology person...but for me, it's wonderful.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3

November 3

It should in no way be taken the wrong way that I'm putting him on my third day, but today especially, I absolutely love, adore and am so thankful for Andrew. Just knowing that he is always there for me and supports me and my decisions makes getting through many days that much easier. Moving back home has been hard in many ways, but it's also easier because I have him and he's so close.
And because of him, I'm also a little thankful for all of the good guys and assholes I dated in the past to make me realize exactly how lucky I am to have him (although, the assholes could still go screw themselves...a little pent up anger still, I know). But without them, I don't think I would be near as thankful (and head over heels) for him.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2

November 2

Today, I am thankful I have a job. Even if it is just as temporary as substitute teaching, I at least have an occasional place to work. And in this economy, with my degree, I'll take what I can get. In the past few weeks I've been getting more calls, so it's picking up some, and it's still no waitressing big-tip job, but it's rewarding and halfway pays the bills. Plus, the kids are cute--most of the time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Legit Diane

I've been neglecting this blog--and sad to say, it's been on purpose. BUT with November here, it's time for the Diane Challenge, and therefore the neglecting has to end.

November 1
With today being the day my program application is due, and despite all of the frustrations that go with turning it in, I am thankful to live in a part of the world where educational opportunities for women not only exist, but are encouraged. I am so blessed that I have the ability and the support to continue not only past high school, but past my bachelors to get my masters (hopefully!).
As I substitute in the district I grew up, often I realize how lucky I have always been in my education, and how the kids I'm teaching don't have any idea as to what's ahead of them. But, then again, I suppose that's the mystery and beauty in life...