Thursday, August 29, 2013

Heavy Thoughts

I'm quite sure what to say, except that I'm pulling for a miracle, and know one is possible.

One of my near and dear friends was due with a baby girl, just in time for my birthday. There were jokes as to scheduling the delivery so me and the little one could share a birthday, possibilities of having a Seuss-themed nursery, and my excitement over being able to (possibly) quilt her a baby quilt (ya know, if I can ever get the one I'm currently working on done and a new one started).

Woody Allen has a famous line: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans". While I'm certain God isn't laughing at this, little C was born this past week (16 weeks early), throwing everyone's plans out the window and hoping for a miracle--either divine or scientific. Two states away, I feel pretty hopeless, so I'm doing the only thing I can think of: spreading the word and hope the thoughts and prayers of my extended Internet friends can help little C continue to be a fighter and pull this out.

So, friends of the world, please think strong and positive thoughts for a little one fighting for her life--make it so in the many years to come I can make jokes about how we should have shared our birthday, had she not been impatient to get here before September...

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