Friday, August 16, 2013

27 Daisies

I read an article in the Huffington Post this past spring that I fell in love with--22 Candles of Love and Kindness (here) and put it on my bucket list to do this summer or fall. As it's rapidly becoming the beginnings of fall (at least in Indianapolis--tonight's low is 58!), I figured I should get on it...

I don't want to give it all away just yet, but I'm hoping to spend this weekend working on it and such. However, I've found one of the best motivations for me getting things done (in my personal life) is to tell others about them. Even if they don't remember I've told them, I know, and I hate to disappoint people, so I get it done.

Consider this my birthday planning post to the wide world, and my third motivation to work on it in the coming weeks. It will happen...and once I'm ready to share details, I'll post them here to include everyone.

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