Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 Goals

I had a Facebook friend make a comment around New Years that I completely agree with, and yet, tend to not do as much as I should:

"Yes, today is the last day of 2013... But it should not be the one day of the year you look back and reflect on your life. Today is just a day. Live it, and every other day, to the fullest."

So, I still (briefly) looked back at 2013, forward to 2014, and created some goals for the next year:

*Keep up with the fitness/exercise routine (and improve on it). Maybe one day, I'll add some better eating components, but for now, I'm just trying to stay away from the horrible foods and continue to aim for getting a cardio exercise in more days than not.

*Live more. See my friends comment above. Life is short, it's too silly not to live it.

*Blog more. Which means setting aside time to reflect, write, and post. I've got another blog where I tried to create a mini-bucket list, and then write about accomplishing them (here). My goal is to post to it every month, and to post to this one at least once a week. I tend to forget about both of them after I created them (and as I get busy), so between the two of them, hopefully I can accomplish this goal.

*Capture a moment everyday. I've started this one already, and am still going strong! I'm posting the pictures to Instagram (anderson343; ask to follow me, I'll agree!) with the tag #365photos. And while the photos don't always get posted on the day they're taken, I'm still getting one a day and posting them! I'm debating on creating a Flickr account as well, but we shall see...

*Sew more. Or craft more. Or just be creative more. I work at a desk, will be attempting to write and exercise more, but I want to use my hands and mind in creating things. So I shall. Very likely once it's lighter longer, as my sewing machine room doesn't have a lot of lighting...

Five goals isn't many goals, but hopefully they're all goals that can be achieved with effort and persistence.

What are your goals, friends?

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