Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Slowly, but surely...

Saturday: Joined LA Fitness (they had a special price, but it's still more than I've ever paid for a gym membership! Strike that, MU Rec was the most expensive when all was said and done, but just barely...)

Sunday: Went in for the "fitness test", aka, let-me-tell-you-how-much-you-should-get-a-personal-trainer sell. It nearly worked.

Monday: Skipped the gym for a run/walk in the neighborhood. Ironic, I know.

Tuesday: Morning yoga class before rushing to work. Next time, my timing will be better.

Wednesday: 5:45am Cycle Zone class with A. I grumbled the whole way there and felt incredibly out of shape the whole class.

However, when I look back at the past five days, I feel as if I've made good choices and feel incredibly good about them. When I can't walk tomorrow and I try to go for my run/walk, I may be cringing a different tune...

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