Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 5 & Day 6-Diane Challenge

I'm combining yesterday and today, since there's too many things to be thankful for each day! I mean, that's usually the case, but in this case I have three I wanted to be thankful for in two days...

First, I'm extremely thankful for all of the men and women who have fought for this country, to ensure we stay free and sovereign. Many have sacrificed their lives, or at the least put their lives at home on hold in order to keep us safe. From the Revolutionary War until the latest conflicts and wars in the Middle East, I'm eternally grateful that there are individuals out there who work to keep me free and safe.

I am also extremely thankful for the 19th Amendment (and those who fought for it) which allows me to vote today to protect my rights and let me help shape the future of America. I can't imagine living before the 1920s and not being able to be the strong-headed stubborn person I am (with plenty of opinions). As a woman, I'm thankful for those who didn't give up on the women's suffrage movement, that have helped me to have the rights and freedoms I have now.

Lastly, I'm thankful for dancing penguins. Because really, who doesn't start smiling when they watch dancing and singing penguins? Watching Happy Feet 2 last night made me really excited for my niece to grow up so she can watch movies with me and be silly. I'm totally going to teach her how to walk like a penguin...once she masters walking like a human...

Back to a serious note, I encourage you to GO VOTE! You have been granted the right (mostly after fighting for it) and the privilege to make your voice heard, so speak up!

If you're still out there, what are you thankful for?

What is the Diane Challenge?
Read about it here!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 4-Diane Challenge

I'm still playing catch-up, as my Day 4 thanks didn't make it anywhere! However, I spent a good part of yesterday preparing for the opening of a job announcement today, part of which meant my resume needed to be updated. As I went through it to add information, and condense parts, I realized (again) how wonderfully blessed I've been with the various experiences and opportunities I've seized. I know I work hard to make things happen, but that doesn't mean they are any more/less valuable to me!
Plus, it's always nice to see how things come back to "haunt" you--I took a position as a research assistant my sophomore year at MSU, which lead to me being invited to apply for a research position my junior year. Both of these centered around the college experience and the teaching styles of professors. Who knew that 6-7 years later I would be graduating with a masters in public policy with an emphasis in education policy?

If you're still out there, what are you thankful for?

What is the Diane Challenge?
Read about it here!

Day 3-Diane Challenge

I'm a little late getting this one to the blog (and the one to follow) but that's okay. I posted them elsewhere, so that's good?

Anyway, Saturday I was especially thankful for my coworker friends. While not everyone was able to make it, I loved having them come over to my apartment (oh so early for some of them) to spend some quality time out of the office. I especially enjoyed having the extended Research Team at my place most of the day to help me procrastinate my homework and catch up! 

If you're still out there, what are you thankful for?

What is the Diane Challenge? Read about it here!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2-Diane Challenge

Today, I'm especially thankful for my little niece. She truly makes my days better when her face lights up when she sees me. I truly think she knows when it's Wednesday and her date night with her Auntie Kate. I love when I get a chance to see her multiple times a week, and when I get so many giggles and squeals when she sees me on her unexpected days. I'm not sure I could love that kid anymore, but I'm pretty sure that love is just going to expand as time goes on...
Oh yeah, plus she loves Dr. Seuss. :) 
If you're still out there, what are you thankful for?

What is the Diane Challenge? Read about it here!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day One-Diane Challenge

Today, I am especially thankful for my job and assistantship while in school. Working for Partners in Prevention and my boss boss has been such a wonderful experience for the past year. It's so nice to have an opportunity to find areas I'm passionate about, grow in my job skills, love what I do, and above all, love who I work with and for! I've grown so much in the past year and have gained so many skills that will (hopefully!) help me get a new career in a few short months. While it will be incredibly sad to leave PIP and MU, I know that I will always have friends here!

For the few of you out there who read this--what are you thankful for?

What is the Diane Challenge? Read about it here!

Monday, October 29, 2012

November Challenge

It's getting to be that time of year again--the annual Diane November Challenge! :)
Rules: For the month of November, I challenge you to choose one unique thing every day that you are thankful for. It can be anything from your family and friends to the automobile that gets you places. Simply list the item or elaborate as much as you like and post it on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (#DianeChallenge) for all to read--it's as simple as that! Some may find it difficult, some may find it super easy, but just take a few minutes each day to remember something great in your life, and give yourself something to smile about. If you choose to accept this challenge, post instructions on your blog, Facebook or link on Twitter and challenge others

I try to do the challenge every year for a simple reason; the stress we experience at this point in the school year often blinds us from the blessings that surround us every day. This challenge is a chance for everyone to remind themselves of the things that make their lives go round and to remember that despite the overwhelming schedules and demands on us right now, there is still much in the world to be grateful for...
I'm planning ahead this year, and challenging you to participate! It gets tougher as the month goes on (less excitement and time dedicated to it) but I challenge you to attempt it! List things out there for the world to see, or keep them to yourself; simply taking the time to reflect on the day and something that stood out as a blessing helps to put life in perspective. Live in the moment and life becomes richer...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012