Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Slowly, but surely...

Saturday: Joined LA Fitness (they had a special price, but it's still more than I've ever paid for a gym membership! Strike that, MU Rec was the most expensive when all was said and done, but just barely...)

Sunday: Went in for the "fitness test", aka, let-me-tell-you-how-much-you-should-get-a-personal-trainer sell. It nearly worked.

Monday: Skipped the gym for a run/walk in the neighborhood. Ironic, I know.

Tuesday: Morning yoga class before rushing to work. Next time, my timing will be better.

Wednesday: 5:45am Cycle Zone class with A. I grumbled the whole way there and felt incredibly out of shape the whole class.

However, when I look back at the past five days, I feel as if I've made good choices and feel incredibly good about them. When I can't walk tomorrow and I try to go for my run/walk, I may be cringing a different tune...

Wordless Wednesday

Learning something new, one hobby at a time...

Friday, September 13, 2013

More Daisies

Wanting to jump start your weekend with a little inspiration? Watch this video...

The countdown to my birthday is under the three month mark, and I'm finally getting off my procrastinating butt to get the ball rolling. If all goes well, there shall be the first of (hopefully) many posts on Monday sharing joy...

Until then, smile often this weekend...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Have a Cheesesteak...

A throwback to the old days...

"Only at DiGiaCintos does the man walking out of the bathroom shake the hand of the man waiting in line...

...I really do work at Cheers."

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

This is me, in a rare "selfie", the morning before my interview that is helping me jumpstart my career and make a difference in the new state. More information to follow next month...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All's Quiet on the Indiana Front

I've been a little distant from the social media world for the past few days. This is hardly news to anyone to actually follows me anywhere, nor is it out of the ordinary for me. However, I've had a weird little whirlwind of excitement, apprehension, impatience, boredom, and a desire to move on with life.

Despite these emotions and feelings, I'm stuck in a holding pattern for a few more weeks with little chance to escape. But even this holding pattern has a certain blessed feeling about it, and so I shall do my best to be patient, controlled excited, and not disappear from the digital world!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Best of Old Friends

The Best Friend and I in D.C. circa 2005.

Here's to hoping the smiles return and stay forever as her little one becomes stronger and grows older!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013