Monday, July 29, 2013

The Biggest Non-Complaint Complaint

I have too much time.

Way too much.

I clean up the apartment everyday; do dishes every other day, laundry every third day. I pack A's lunch every weekday before he leaves for work, after making him breakfast and feeding the fur ball. We eat dinner every weekday at 6, as I've ususally spent all afternoon thinking about what I'm going to make.

I've made cookies, attempted to make mozzarella cheese, and almost cooked more meals for the two of us this past week than I did for myself the whole month of June.

And you know what? It's kind of wonderful, because I'm in a nice little pattern;
     Get A off to work
     Peruse my collection of job sites
     Pick out several to apply for that day/week (& apply)
     Clean the apartment and make myself breakfast
     Apply to jobs
     Eat lunch
     Waste time on Pintrest
     Contemplate sewing projects, going to the pool, going for a run (i.e., being productive) and instead usually decide on wasting more time until I start cooking dinner.

I like schedules. It's nice. I like to be busy. But while what I'm doing is keeping me moving (or at least occupied), I'm not busy.

People keep telling me to enjoy this down-time while I have it; that it's good for me to relax and not be running in so many directions. I suppose they're right; many people would love to have that schedule above (or something similar), but I'm not sure I'm quite wired for it.

To sum up, my biggest complaint about Indiana so far is that I'm not busy enough. Which should be a non-complaint, and will be this week. I need to find something to do with my free time by next Monday though...

(As a sidenote, I mean both the accepted and the actual definition of peruse when I used it earlier...)

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