Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Days

I set myself up with five goals for 2014, as of now, I can happily say I've managed to do two of them all month. I'm pretty sure most people set lofty goals around the New Year, and many (like me) manage to keep one or two in the air for a bit, before letting them all crash down. At least, that's how my New Year resolutions tend to work...

As I look back on the list, it's easy to make excuses as to why I wasn't able to work on some of my goals (it's too cold outside to be active, it's too snowy outside to go exploring and live life in Indy, it's too dark at night to sew...), but there's also plenty of reasons why those are just lies and excuses (I have a gym membership, snow exploring is still exploring, and snow days means I have all day in light to sew...).

And so I was thinking the other day, I wonder if I tend to fail at my resolutions because I pick too many (that are too lofty) to do all at once. Change isn't always a sudden thing; lasting change takes time to implement and become habit. Maybe I'd do better if I didn't try to juggle everything, but instead added items one at a time, a month at a time.

As such, I've decided that accomplishing two goals is something to think about and be proud of, instead of feeling defeated for not getting all five. And this month, I'll add one more to the list and break out that sewing machine...