It's getting to be that time of year again--the annual Diane November Challenge! :)
Rules: For the month of November, I challenge you to choose one unique thing
every day that you are thankful for. It can be anything from your family
and friends to the automobile that gets you places. Simply list the
item or elaborate as much as you like and post it on your blog, Facebook
or Twitter (#DianeChallenge) for all to read--it's as simple as that!
Some may find it difficult, some may find it super easy, but just take a
few minutes each day to remember something great in your life, and give
yourself something to smile about. If you choose to accept this
challenge, post instructions on your blog, Facebook or link on Twitter
and challenge others
I try to do the challenge every year for a
simple reason; the stress we experience at this point in the school
year often blinds us from the blessings that surround us every day. This
challenge is a chance for everyone to remind themselves of the things
that make their lives go round and to remember that despite the
overwhelming schedules and demands on us right now, there is still much
in the world to be grateful for...
I'm planning ahead this year, and challenging you to participate! It gets tougher as the month goes on (less excitement and time dedicated to it) but I challenge you to attempt it! List things out there for the world to see, or keep them to yourself; simply taking the time to reflect on the day and something that stood out as a blessing helps to put life in perspective. Live in the moment and life becomes richer...