Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One week...

It's been a hectic past month. As a run-down...

*Previously posted situation was remedied by me holding strong, and said actor complaining until there was no time left to complain. Wore on my nerves some, but all good things require patience. Or something like that.

*Work hired me a new boss, and he's pretty fantastic. So much so, that I swear he's got a white horse somewhere that he used to get to town. Let's leave it at that.

*I received my first University of Missouri IRB approval, modified my survey, sent it out, received over 1000 respondents, and closed it. Now just waiting to find time at work to clean the data...

*Data related, I've officially run my first minor chunk of syntax (7+ lines) with no errors. If that doesn't mean anything to you, just be proud of me...I sure am!

*I took a huge step couple weeks ago. I'm real proud of that one too.

*The BF may be getting a new job--keep your fingers crossed on that one for the next few weeks. It could cause a little heart aching for a while if he leaves town, but could call for much heart rejoicing in the future. PLUS, it means I might actually get to move back to a college town...(crazy, I know)

*Experienced my first Black Friday (and Cyber Sunday/Monday) shopping, and it was very successful! Joint purchase with the BF to get a new Xbox and Kinect (which I've played once...), new comforter, shoes! and the complete HP collection.

*Finished up one class for the semester--thank goodness! Now, if I can just make it through the next week, I'll be set for the semester! I mean, I only have a 8-10 page research paper to polish (due tomorrow), a strong working outline/start to a 12-15 page policy paper (outline due tomorrow), a weekly response paper (due tomorrow) and a final next week.

And with fully realizing all of that is due tomorrow, I'm out! Promise, if I can make it through this week, my posts will be much more fun and regular!