Sunday, May 29, 2011

Six Months of Happiness

Looking back at this, I realize I haven't updated in nearly six months. Shame on me! I'd like to pretend the six months were just so packed and busy that I didn't have time, but really, they were just a little apathetic. However, from these six months, the things I am most grateful for (and remember) include:

*Fantastic Christmas/Birthday with the family and friends
*Wonderful working weekend in Springfield (including the large amount of cash I made, and have yet to spend!)
*Andrew's new apartment--and it being better than the old one (minus the small bathroom)
*Free trip to Miami!! (South Beach, even!)
*Free graduate tuition...
*Getting paid to do what I think I'll love ( addition to the free tuition)
*Getting an Internship at the Capitol--and finishing said internship
*Did I mention my Graduate Research Assistant position and free tuition?
*Grades (minus not being happy about my B in economics)
*Health care subsidized by my GRA position

and many, many, MANY, more things, I'm sure. I have been truly blessed the past few months. I can't wait to see what my summer and GRA position holds for me!!